
  Don’t mess with a Texas DWI!  The Lone Star State does not take the crime of driving while intoxicated lightly.  The defendant could be facing a multitude of issues! A driver that is under suspicion for a DWI can be arrested and taken to jail in order for a blood test to be done to assess their alcohol level.  If for some reason the defendant chooses to refuse the test or fail, their license is automatically suspended.  In order to have your license reinstated, a hearing will take place to determine if the suspension will remain.  The length of time that a license can be suspended depends on the blood alcohol level at the time of arrest.  You can have a suspension from 6 months to 2 years along with heavy fines and jail time.

Don’t panic!  Worried about transportation to and from work where there is no public transportation available?  Your attorney can also negotiate a provisional license for the period of suspension that will allow you to only drive to and from your place of employment.  Having legal assistance is vital to protecting your rights and maintaining your ability to drive even if you have been arrested for a Texas DWI.